我大吃一驚,這不就是著名的哲學命題“先有雞還是先有蛋”嗎?我想了想,小心翼翼地說:“People didn't appeared on the world in a sudden. Human being evolved from apes. It changed little by little and took a long time."(人類并不是突然出現在世界上的。人類從猿進化而來,這種改變是漸進的,需要很長時間。)
駿駿的興趣馬上又轉到猿上面去了:”What are apes?"
Why are the street lights on?(為什么街燈會亮?)
Because it's getting dark.(因為天黑了。)
Why is it getting dark?(為什么天會變黑?)
Because the sun is setting.(因為太陽下山了。)
Why is the sun setting?(為什么太陽會下山?)
Because the earth is spinning.(因為地球在轉。)
Why is the earth spinning?(為什么地球會轉?)